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Tai Chi and Qi Gong Healing Institute

Board of Directors


Dr. Aihan Kuhn, President.   617-877-0272

Award wining author, healer, and Master of Tai Chi & Qi Gong.  For the over 30 years, Dr. Kuhn has helped thousands of patients, students overcome various physical and emotional ailments. With her holistic teaching, wisdom, and guidance, she has empowered so many to take charge of their own health and well-being. She has changed many lives both here in the US and internationally.

For more information about Dr. Aihan Kuhn, go to    

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Mike Goins, Vice President


Mike Goins has retired after a successful 36 years as a Health Educator and school administrator.  He then entered the world of Holistic Health Coaching. A graduate of the Health Coach Institute, his work has focused on stress reduction where he incorporates his training in the Transformational Coaching Method with his mindfulness practice to offer clients the possibility of joyful living while being fully present in each moment to their life experience. Mike has practiced Qi Gong for over 15 years, and currently teaches Qi Gong, and offers stress reduction workshops to teachers in the local school system.


Patricia (Patti) Gerlek  M.A. - Secretary (Community Outreach)


I have recently transitioned out of the classroom having been a high school Spanish teacher for the academically gifted for the past 33 years. I continue to tutor Spanish to keep myself in the education world. I found my way to Tai Chi in 2013 and have been happily practicing ever since.  I discovered the wonderful benefits of qi gong and became a level 3 instructor in 2019.  I am passionate about moving meditation, living a healthy lifestyle, natural healing and Daoism. In my quest for optimal health and wellness, I truly try to practice what I teach.


Gerry Kuhn - Web maintenance, Accounting

Retired IT Professional.  I have been following and supporting Dr Kuhn's efforts for more than 30 years.  I know the positive impact that she has on people's lives, including my own.  I am pleased to continue in my support role as treasurer and web developer.

Emilian Belev, MA - community outreach, membership development 


Phone: 617-848-0480

Emilian has international experience of living in and experiencing different cultures.  His daytime job is that of a finanacial economist and data scientist, but his personal passion is to help improve the health, positive energy, and harmony in his life, the people that he gets to know, and the surrounding world.  He came accross QiGong more than a decade ago and was soon impressed and insipired by the unique power of its practice.  He is very interested in increasing his knowledge of Qi Gong and Tai Chi, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other modalities that he finds enrich his life and also promote and complement his training in external martial arts.



Adina Madore, - Program Development

Adina has a background in Computer Science and had computer work for many years with a transition toward management along the way. She pivoted to business excellence / operational excellence, getting the necessary certifications. She taught classes related to High Performance Management, building high performing teams, etc.

I started studying and practicing yoga when she was 16. Later she discovered qigong and it clicked with her big time. She then learned Qi Gong got teacher certification. Continuing her learning with Dr. Kuhn, she earned her certificate of level three Qi Gong teacher.

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