Tai Chi Class, Intermediate Level
Time: 2:00pm Starts: Friday, January 21st, 2022 for 10 weeks session
Instructor: Aihan Kuhn, Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi
Fee: $150.00* for 10-Week session, Walk-In is $20.00 per class
Class Description:
Tai Chi, also called “Tai Ji Chuan” is an ancient Chinese exercise practiced worldwide for its health and healing benefits. Especially in our fast-paced world, Tai Chi has been very effective in the relief of stress.
Tai Chi practice involves a series of movements performed in slow and circular motion. Practicing this low-impact exercise in a focused manner with deep breathing, you feel the smooth flow of energy, your stress melts away, and your energy is increased. You feel rooted and balanced. “Tai Chi Push Hands” is the practical part of Tai Chi, and it is helpful in self-defense.
This class is suitable for people who have Tai Chi experience, but we welcome people with no experience to try and participate. The class will continue after ten weeks.
The benefits from consistent Tai Chi practice:
Decreased stress, anxiety, and depression
Improved mood
Improved balance
Improved coordination
Increased energy and stamina
Improved muscle strength and stamina
Improved mental focus
Improved immune system
Help lowering blood pressure
Reduce joint pain
Improve overall well-being
Reduce the risk of falls in older adults
The class will be taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn, a Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi, award-winning author, and president of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Institute. Her teaching style has attracted people national and international for years. She has trained thousands of Qi Gong instructors and Tai Chi Instructors nationally and globally and is highly rated by her students. In turn, she will be working on “Tai Chi 42 Steps”, “Two People Tai Chi Practice,” and “Tai Chi Pushing Hands.”
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
Qi Gong for Energy, Balance, and Immunity (all levels):
Time: 2:00pm Starts: Thursday, January 20th, 2022 for 10 weeks session
Instructor: Aihan Kuhn, Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi
Fee: $150.00* for 10-Week session, Walk-In is $20.00 per class
Class Description:
We will start with a beginner Qi Gong form. We will then continue with a special Qi Gong form, Spiritual Dance with Qi. This particular Qi Gong form is ideal for anyone looking for strength, balance, tranquility, inner peace, and spiritual enrichment. It is also suitable for wellness educators/teachers looking to expand their knowledge to share with others. When practicing this graceful slow Qi Gong form, you feel like doing a smooth dance in the Universe. The total relaxation and fully controlled body movements bring your awareness to the invisible force that flows in the body. You feel rooted, balanced, energized, yet calm, as in meditation. Over time, you will feel better posture and flexibility, better coordination, better emotional balance, and spiritual clarity.
This class is an intermediate-level Qi Gong. All are welcome to sign up. The class will continue after ten weeks. Students may then learn both “Chapter I, Journey to Spiritual Freedom” and “Chapter II, Renew and Rejuvenate” in turn.
The class will be taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn, a Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi, award-winning author, and president of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Institute. Her teaching style has attracted people national and international for years. She has trained thousands of Qi Gong instructors and Tai Chi Instructors nationally and globally.
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
Tai Chi 16 Steps
10 week Zoom Class
Starting Date: March 13 (Monday), 2023
Time: 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
This unique form of Tai Chi has therapeutic power to heal and restore energy, clarity, and emotional balance. It combines multiple styles of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, martial art and meditation. Practicing this Tai Chi form brings serenity, inner peace, and a sense of wellbeing. You will feel the smooth flow of body energy and total relaxation. It assists healing and helps to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, panic, high stress, PTSD, low energy, focus problem, low self-esteem, menopause, cancer, and more. Other benefits include improved posture, muscle strength, immune function, and mental clarity. Immediate results can be felt.
The characteristics of this form are:
1. It is easy to learn and easy to practice;
2. The circular movements create smooth energy flow in the body;
3. The martial art character empowers the person;
4. Symmetrical movements help harmonized both sides of the brain;
5. Localized steps require little space that is ideal for indoor practice due to weather.
6. Coordinated and “big frame” movements open energy channels and improve one’s coordination.
Most importantly, you feel good after each practice.
The Zoom Link will be sent to participants one day before the class.
Fee: $150.00 per person
Men's Health, Healing, and Relationships
Date: TBD
People often ask me why men's life span is shorter than women's. There is a reason for this. This unique program helps men understand their health, illness or discomfort, and how to prevent illnesses and symptoms. Using effective techniques for better relationships will also be discussed. This program will improve men's life and health. Bring a notebook to write down details.
You will get the Zoom recording for the Qi Gong exercise part.
Cancer Prevention and Healing the Holistic Way
Date: TBD
People ask me periodically, “What causes cancer?” “Why do I have this Cancer?” These are big questions that many researchers are still trying to figure out. But in Eastern healing, it is not that difficult to understand.
In this special program, you will learn the causes of cancer and healing strategies and practices that may change your life and health. Healing starts with a preventive mind and using holistic healing knowledge and techniques. These topics will be discussed in this 6-week class, and practical homework will be provided. It will be an informative, eye-opening, and life-changing experience. You will learn daily Qi Gong exercises to prevent and assist cancer healing.
We recommend that the participant write notes during the class; you will also get a Zoom link for the exercise part.
Qi Gong for Improving Balance
Zoom or In-Person (Contact Us for scheduling)
Qi Gong, is a mind body practice that has been beneficial in health and healing for centuries. One of the greatest benefits for seniors and people who have balance issue is that Qi Gong can restore their balance through a special practice.
This class will be taught by Dr. Kuhn, and she has a lifetime of experience in holistic healing, exercise therapy incorporates Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and other body movement designed for specific needs. No experience necessary.
The zoom recording will be sent to participants to help their home practice.
Spiritual Dance with Qi - Chapter I
(Journey to Spiritual Freedom)
6-Week Zoom Class
Starting Tuesday, January 10, 2023
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
This is an intermediate Qi Gong routine is ideal for anyone looking for strength, balance, inner peace, spiritual enrichment, and freedom. This graceful slow Qi Gong form brings you total relaxation and control of your body. The well-controlled movements improve energy, muscle strength, balance, posture, and feeling rooted. The slow and deep breaths maximize the oxygen usage in your body and brain, which significantly benefits your immune system and helps defeat the Covid virus. You can feel the body's energy channels open and feel peace, strength, clarity, and a lifted spirit. This practice helps to balance the entire nervous system.
The class recording will be sent to all participants.
Fee: $90.00 per person
Tai Chi and Qi Gong Classes
Beginner Level TAI CHI - Indoor Fall/Winter Series
You will learn Tai Chi Basics as well as Yang style 24 movements. This ancient Chinese form of exercise, sometimes called "moving meditation" includes breath work and slow, circular body movements that are gentle on the joints. This mind-body practice can help promote healing, maintain balance, strength and flexibility, improve your well-being and mental focus and help with stress reduction.
Time: Every MONDAY starting October 4 - December 8
10 week class 6:30pm to 7:30 pm
Place: Sarasota Center for Light - Flexer Healing Chapel
2710 Browning Street (Off Tuttle) Sarasota
Instructor: Patti Gerlek, certified Qi Gong and Tai Chi Instructor
Fee: $120.00 for the session* - $15.00 DROP-IN
The class will be taught by Patti Gerlek, Level 3 Qi Gong Instructor/Tai Chi Instructor and Board Member of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Healing Institute. She brings to each class her passion and love for this ancient Chinese practice.
NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Everyone is welcome!
Contact Patti G at pattig@taichihealing.org<mailto:pattig@taichihealing.org> if you have any questions.
Beginner Level Qi Gong- Indoor Fall/Winter Series
You will learn the 36 movements of Therapeutic Qi Gong.
These gentle, slow meditative movements improve balance, focus,
energy flow and help with anti aging as well as healing.
NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Everyone is welcome!
Sorry this class is full - Consider trying Spiritual Dance with Qi listed below.
Time: Every WEDNESDAY starting October 6 - December 8
10 week class 10:45 am to 11:45 am
Place: Sarasota Center for Light - Flexer Healing Chapel
2710 Browning Street (Off Tuttle) Sarasota
Instructor: The class will be taught by Patti Gerlek, Level 3 Qi Gong Instructor/Tai Chi Instructor and Board Member of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Healing Institute. She brings to each class her passion and love for this ancient Chinese practice.
Fee: $120.00 for the session - $15.00 DROP-IN
Contact Patti G at pattig@taichihealing.org<mailto:pattig@taichihealing.org> if you have any questions.
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
Tai Chi Sword 32 Steps, Yang Style
10-Week Class Starts October 20, 2021
Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM (one hour class)
Tai Chi Sword is a special form using the sword to perform Tai Chi. Tai Chi Sword involves controlling the sword like a warrior, coordinating movements like a dancer, with strong body stability like a mountain, and mind intent like nothing can break through.
Regular practice helps to improve balance, concentration, coordination, muscle strength, joint flexibility, self-confidence, emotion, alertness, and much more. Many consider Tai Chi Sword to be one of the most beautiful/powerful forms of Tai Chi exercise. In addition, the sword symbolizes a spiritual tool as well as a tool for self-defense.
Tai Chi experience is a plus but is not required. We recommend participants bring their swords. If you don’t have one, you can use a substitute or borrow it in class. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Fee: $150.00 for 10-Week class.
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
* ( Please note: TQHI Members may register on the "Members Only" page and receive a 10% discount.)
In person class:
Spiritual Dance with Qi
10-Week class, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Every Tuesday starting November 2, 2021
Location: Shapes, 5451 Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, FL
This particular Qi Gong form is ideal for anyone looking for strength, balance, tranquility, inner peace, and spiritual enrichment. It is also suitable for wellness educators/teachers looking to expand their knowledge to share with others. When practicing this graceful slow Qi Gong form, you feel like doing a smooth dance in the Universe. The total relaxation and fully controlled body movements bring your awareness to the invisible force that flows in the body. You feel rooted, balanced, energized, yet calm, as in meditation. Over time, you will feel better posture and flexibility, better coordination, better emotional balance, and spiritual clarity.
This class is an intermediate-level Qi Gong. All are welcome to sign up. The class will continue after ten weeks. Students may then learn both “Chapter I, Journey to Spiritual Freedom” and “Chapter II, Renew and Rejuvenate” in turn.
The class will be taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn, a Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi, award-winning author, and president of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Institute. Her teaching style has attracted people national and international for years. She has trained thousands of Qi Gong instructors and Tai Chi Instructors nationally and globally.
Fee: $150.00* for 10-Week class; Walk-In is $20.00 per class
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
In person Class:
Tai Chi Class, Intermediate Level
10-Week class, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Every Thursday starting November 4, 2021
Location: Shapes, 5451 Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, FL
Tai Chi, also called “Tai Ji Chuan” is an ancient Chinese exercise practiced worldwide for its health and healing benefits. Especially in our fast-paced world, Tai Chi has been very effective in the relief of stress.
Tai Chi practice involves a series of movements performed in slow and circular motion. Practicing this low-impact exercise in a focused manner with deep breathing, you feel the smooth flow of energy, your stress melts away, and your energy is increased. You feel rooted and balanced. “Tai Chi Push Hands” is the practical part of Tai Chi, and it is helpful in self-defense.
This class is suitable for people who have Tai Chi experience, but we welcome people with no experience to try and participate. The class will continue after ten weeks.
The benefits from consistent Tai Chi practice:
Decreased stress, anxiety, and depression
Improved mood
Improved balance
Improved coordination
Increased energy and stamina
Improved muscle strength and stamina
Improved mental focus
Improved immune system
Help lowering blood pressure
Reduce joint pain
Improve overall well-being
Reduce the risk of falls in older adults
The class will be taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn, a Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi, award-winning author, and president of Tai Chi & Qi Gong Institute. Her teaching style has attracted people national and international for years. She has trained thousands of Qi Gong instructors and Tai Chi Instructors nationally and globally and is highly rated by her students. In turn, she will be working on “Tai Chi 42 Steps”, “Two People Tai Chi Practice,” and “Tai Chi Pushing Hands.”
Fee: $150.00 for 10-Week class; Walk-In is $20.00 per class
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
* ( Please note: TQHI Members may register on the "Members Only" page and receive a 10% discount.)
Tai Chi Push Hands Class
Time: Will start again in the Fall
Instructor: Aihan Kuhn, Master of Qi Gong and Tai Chi
Fee: $150.00 for the session* - $20.00 DROP-IN
Location: Outdoors - TBD
Class Description:
Push hands is also called Tai Chi Martial application practice. In this class, you will learn some Tai Chi fundamental skills and gradually introduce a harmonious partner practice of moving energy. While working with your partner, you will learn to redirect your opponent's energy and ward off the "danger."
Tai Chi Push Hands is a form for learning to win without fighting. This is a fun class and can enhance your Tai Chi practice.
Beginners are welcome, but it is not recommended for people who have severe knee and back problems or poor balance.
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
Qi Gong for Healing, Semi-Private Class
In-person and zoom (*only 1 in-person spot left)
Starts: March 22, 2023
Wednesday at 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (for 4 weeks)
A special Qi Gong class for people with chronic ailments who want to improve their balance, energy level, emotions, anxiety/depression, breathing, reduce stress, and more. Dr. Kuhn will teach Qi Gong movements targeting people's needs, provide clear instructions and simple home practices .
In-person class size is limited to 4 people.
The classes will be taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn, one of the pioneers in Holistic Medicine and mind-body medicine.
Fee for 4-Week Class (once a week): $150.00 per person.